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Sunday, 26 May 2019

OMG ... Social Media

So good to meet and chat with so many other authors... mainly children's Picture Books which is a bit different to what I'm doing, but useful for the class readers I'm writing.

Michelle Worthington... incredible.  I just learnt so much.  She spoke the words I just didn't want to hear.   You have to get onto social media... I listened ... took a deep breath and gave it a try...

I created a new business page.  Julie Howard Adult and Children's Author.   Yay!  and then managed to sign everyone up to my personal page.   As I said I have lots to learn.   I will have to sort everything out before we leave for Europe in a couple of weeks... Anyone out there a whizz on Facebook or social media who could lend a hand?

Sunshine Coast

Arrived at Sunshine Coast in time to check out local scene before the course started.  Made the mistake of staying at the Waterfront Hotel...The view was fantastic  ...

BUT...they were a bit stingy!

Had a fantastic walk along the river front really beautiful 

Off course the election was in full swing.  Amused by the fact the hotel had a visiting clairvoyant ... could be the only one who has a clue at what is going on.

What was that name again?

Sing Sing Wherever you may be.

Another sold out concert... and what a concert...
  A fantastic program with a terrific orchestra and amazing soloists and of course the brilliant Dr Carlos Alvarado
Here he is rehearsing the orchestra just before the performance.

The Inaugural Ivanhoe Botanic Garden Festival

Bravo to Roger and the rest of the executive.... A wonderful day.. talks, tours, smoking ceremony and devonshire tea!

Jane, Roger and I became part of the "Yellow Vest" brigade and spent the day welcoming guests.  So good to see it all coming together after weeks of weeding, planting, labelling.   Next year will be even bigger and better..

Thursday, 23 May 2019

Old houses just keep on giving!

So our floor was a bit wobbly and we had a bit of a crack in the wall.  Time to call in the builder.  EeeeK!

 Why are these jobs never small and inexpensive!

For our Iceland trip we were often without internet and so I kept a paper journal.  I have left a few pages free and I will put in excerpts ... in my spare moments.!

For our Iceland trip we were often without internet and so I kept a paper journal.  I have left a fe