Sandwich was such a hoot! We were off to hear Opera - the Magic Flute BUT when we arrived we found it was the Ale and Folk festival... fantastic. So many interpretations of what it is to be a Morris dancer ha! ha! I'm having a few problems uploading videos but I will. Here are a few stills to be getting on with!
Now if Roger went out looking like that...
Oh Ladies you really should be wearing bells!
I knew nothing about Sandwich apart from the fact that the Earl of Sandwich invented the sandwich. Why? He loved Bridge and couldn't be bothered to pause to eat SO he asked his cook to come up with a dish that players could eat while they played.. hence the sandwich!
But Sandwich has amazing wooden houses... more than York or anywhere else.We even found the Thrum house and I sent a photo to Carolyn Thrum in one of my writing groups. Lots of Viking history here.
I loved the street names and their history. Travelling with Roger is fab because he can always tell me the facts... So Hog's Corner. A bell rang at 8.00 pm each night and all animals were shooed out into the streets so they could eat up all the food scraps and rubbish but they had to be back in their pens by 6.00am - if not they were impounded at ... you got it... Hog's Corner.
Pillory Gate was where thieves were nailed by the ear and never released. The only way (EEEEK!) was to tear their ear from the nail to escape. Marking them for life as a thief!
Great food everywhere and surprisingly a Punch and Judy Show... really? Let's punch the baby, punch Judy, punch them again and feed them to the crocodile...MMM... not a fan!
Nothing for it but to head to the pub for a few sea shanties... again should be a video here.
Just loved it.. two women sang the most haunting song.. have to go to Deal folk club one day!
Finished the day with pub rock group... hey! Go the Stones.. Bopped and sang until we hopped back on the train to... Ramsgate!